Anger Management Certification

About this course

Anger Management Certification

Anger is a normal and sometimes useful emotion, but excessive anger can have serious personal and professional consequences. Fortunately, most people can control their temper via self-help measures, professional help, or both.

In this course, you will learn how to control your anger and seek outside help in regulating your temper.

What you will learn

You Will Learn:

  • Why it’s important to recognise your personal anger signs
  • How to use breathing exercises to bring anger under control
  • How to make positive lifestyle changes that will reduce your anger
  • Why you may wish to reduce your alcohol consumption
  • When to seek professional help

Benefits of this course

Benefits Of Taking This Course:

  • If you have an established history of pathological anger, this course will help you learn how to manage your temper
  • If you suspect that you are beginning to develop an anger management problem, this course will help you get your problem under control before it affects your life
  • If you live or work with someone who has an anger management problem, this course may help you understand and support them
  • If you are looking to work in mental health, this course will give you a useful overview of a common but destructive problem


Benefits Obtained :