Better Business Cases™ Foundation

About this course


Become an expert at presenting perfect business cases with this Better Business Cases (BBC) Foundation certification course from Good e-Learning!

For business transformation programmes to succeed, they need viable and convincing business cases to present to decision-makers.

The BBC framework offers a consistent, generic decision-making model that can be applied to any project or program.

Candidates learn to understand and develop cases based on what they can achieve, who is responsible for what, and how they relate to business strategy.

By the end of this course, candidates are fully prepared to sit and pass the Better Business Cases (BBC) Foundation certification exam!

Start your better business case training today with Good e-Learning!

Who is this course aimed at?
  • Businesses looking for a way to make business cases more substantial, objective, and effective

  • Programme Directors, Senior Responsible Owners (SROs), and other Directors responsible for delivering programs and projects successfully

  • Project team members, managers, and specialist advisers responsible for delivering business cases

  • Any officers involved in reviewing and scrutinizing investment proposals

What will you learn by taking this course?
  • How to understand and apply the Five Case Model (used by HM Treasury and the UK Office of Government Commerce) when dealing with spending proposals

  • How to fully understand the importance and purpose of business cases, as well as when they are required and who is responsible for making and responding to them

  • The development lifecycle of a typical business case

  • The relationship between the ‘Five Cases’ (the Strategic Case, Socioeconomic Case, Commercial Case, Financial Case, and Management Case)

  • How to develop effective spending proposals and business cases that can both acquire support and scope initiatives accurately

  • Everything needed to successfully pass the official Better Business Cases (BBC) Foundation exam

Why should you take this course?
  • This course covers the Five Case Model, recommended by HM Treasury, the Welsh Government, the UK Office of Governance Commerce, and a wide variety of public sector organizations

  • BBC is a generic business case framework that can be applied in any industry or sector

  • BBC training is highly relevant to project/ program managers and team members responsible for creating business cases, as well as decision-makers responsible for reviewing them

  • The BBC framework offers proven tools and best practices for creating, presenting, reviewing, and scrutinizing business cases and spending proposals

  • Good e-Learning is an award-winning online training provider with a diverse portfolio of accredited e-learning certification courses

  • This course is fully accredited by APMG International

Course Outline
Better Business Cases Foundation

This module introduces the main features of the course, along with the aims and objectives, structure, and learning plan.

Candidates receive a syllabus, diagram pack, glossary, further reading and links document, and links for downloading essential copies of the BBC framework’s publications.

Finally, the module addresses several Better Business Cases frequently asked questions.

Module 1: Key Concepts and Overview

This module explores the nature of projects and the different program types. Candidates learn how programs and projects align with an organization’s wider strategic planning process.

They also learn about the value of effective business cases, as well as the purpose of assurance.

Finally, the module provides an overview of the ‘Five Case Model’ along with the business case development process.

Module 2: Developing the Strategic Case

This module looks at how the ‘Strategic Case’ is developed. Candidates learn the actions required to finish the first two steps in the development framework:

Step 1 – Determining the strategic context
Step 2 – Making the case for change

Module 3: Developing the Economic Case

This module offers guidance on the first steps involved in developing an economic case.

This comprises Step 3 of the development framework, which focuses on exploring the preferred way forward.

The module goes on to explain how ‘Critical Success Factors (CSFs)’ are agreed on, how long list options are determined, and the best way to recommend a way forward.

Module 4: Planning the Scheme and Preparing the Outline Business Case (OBC)

This module focuses on the second part of developing an economic case.

This comprises Step 4 of the development framework, which focuses on determining Value For Money (VFM).

The module explains the actions required, including revisiting and confirming the shortlist and preparing economic appraisals for all short-listed options.

Finally, the module explains how to undertake benefits appraisals, risk assessments and appraisals, sensitivity analysis, and selecting the preferred option.

Module 5: Review: Modules 1-4

This module offers an opportunity to review the content covered in modules 1 to 4.

The module features a memory game on the course’s key terms, along with a concept-checker that candidates can use to assess actions based on the concepts introduced in previous modules.

Module 6: Developing the Commercial Case

This module looks at how the ‘Commercial Case’ is developed. This comprises Step 5 of the development framework.

The module goes on to cover how to determine the correct procurement strategy and service streams, along with the required outputs.

Finally, the module explains the actions used to outline risk apportionment and payment mechanisms, as well as how to ascertain contractual issues and accountancy treatment.

Module 7: Developing the Financial Case

This module discusses how to develop a ‘Financial Case’, which comprises Step 6 of the development framework.

The module focuses on what actions are required to prepare financial models and appraisals.

Module 8: Developing the Management Case

This module looks at how to develop a ‘Management Case’, which comprises Step 7 of the development framework.

The module explains best practices for planning project/program management, change management, risk management, benefits realization, and post project/program evaluations.

Module 9: Procuring the Proposal and Preparing the Full Business Case (FBC)

This module focuses on Steps 8 to 10 of the development framework, which culminate in the completion of the ‘Full Business Case (FBC)’.

The module looks at the actions that procure VFM solutions, contract for deals, and guarantee successful delivery.

Module 10: Review: Modules 6-9

This module allows candidates to review the content covered in modules 6 to 9.

The module features a memory game for recalling key terms, as well as a concept-checker that candidates can use to assess actions based on the concepts covered in previous modules.

Module 11: Practice Exams

This module features two practice exams. The first is provided by the APMG, while the second was developed by Good e-Learning.

When you feel you are ready to sit the exam, simply contact Good e-Learning to request your FREE exam voucher.

Practice Exam Simulators

This module wraps up the course while also outlining the next steps for candidates.


This BBC online course is designed to fully prepare candidates to sit and pass the Better Business Cases (BBC) Foundation certification exam. This includes providing official practice exams to help students test themselves and get used to examination conditions.

This course comes with mock exams to help students prepare for the real thing, as well as a FREE exam voucher. (T&Cs apply)

Before booking your exam, it will be a good idea to make sure that your device meets the technical requirements. You can do so via this online test. This test will examine the suitability of your webcam, microphone and internet connection. Exams are invigilated by ProctorU on behalf of APMG International.

When you are ready to use your free exam voucher, simply contact Exam voucher requests are typically processed within 2 working days but please allow up to 5. Students must request their exam voucher within the course access period which starts from the date of purchase. For more information, please visit our Support & FAQs page.

Better Business Cases Foundation 
  • This is a multiple choice exam consisting of 50 questions
  • There is a time limit of 40 minutes to complete the exam
  • The exam is closed book, with only the provided materials being permitted for use
  • The pass mark for the exam is 50%: you must get 25 out of 50 questions correct

What do you get?

  • 6 months’ access from the date of purchase to complete your training
  • 16+ hours of online training content
  • Exam vouchers
  • Access through multiple devices
  • Offline player for studying on the move
  • Tutor support


What is BBC?

‘Better Business Cases (BBC)’ is a framework focused on creating, reviewing, and scrutinizing business proposals. It is designed to implement a consistent method for assessing business value, allowing organizations to make strategic decisions with greater clarity.

BBC tools and best practices are relevant to team members, managers, and senior decision-makers.

How can BBC benefit businesses?

It establishes consistent practices for creating complete business cases, benefitting project and program teams as well as decision-makers, and provides candidates with a clear understanding of the philosophy of the Five Case Model and how to apply it in practice.

Candidates learn about different business cases, including who is responsible for them and when they are required, and learn the development lifecycle of a business case, which is highly valuable and transferrable.

Finally, the framework also covers spending proposals, helping candidates understand how to correctly scope and score funding and support for an initiative.

What do I need to study BBC?

There are no prerequisites for studying our accredited BBC Foundation course or taking the exam. Candidates must pass the BBC Foundation exam before taking the BBC Practitioner exam.

Who can benefit from studying BBC?

Programme Directors, Senior Responsible Owners (SROs), and other Directors responsible for delivering programs and projects successfully. Project team members, managers, and specialist advisers responsible for delivering business cases. And any officers involved in reviewing and scrutinizing investment proposals.

What do I need to know about the BBC exams?

The BBC Foundation exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions and has a duration of 40 minutes. Candidates must score at least 25 marks (50%) in order to pass.

The BBC Practitioner exam consists of four questions, each worth 20 marks and has a duration of 2 1/2 hours. Candidates must score at least 40 marks (50%) in order to pass.

What you will learn

Introduction to Business Cases:

  • Understand the purpose and importance of business cases in decision-making and project justification.

Key Concepts of Better Business Cases™:

  • Gain insights into key concepts such as investment logic, benefits management, options appraisal, and risk management.

Five Case Model:

  • Learn about the Five Case Model framework, which includes strategic, economic, commercial, financial, and management cases, and how to develop each case effectively.

Benefits Management:

  • Understand the principles and practices of benefits management, including identifying, quantifying, and realizing benefits throughout the project lifecycle.

Options Appraisal:

  • Explore techniques for conducting options appraisals to identify and evaluate alternative solutions to meet business needs and objectives.

Risk Management:

  • Learn how to identify, assess, and manage risks associated with business cases, ensuring that potential risks are considered and addressed effectively.

Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Understand the importance of stakeholder engagement in developing and evaluating business cases, and how to effectively engage stakeholders throughout the process.

Business Case Development Process:

  • Gain practical skills in developing business cases, including defining the problem or opportunity, identifying options, conducting appraisals, and making recommendations.

By completing the Better Business Cases™ Foundation course, participants will have gained essential knowledge and skills in developing and evaluating business cases, enabling them to contribute effectively to decision-making and project justification within their organizations.

Benefits of this course

Improved Decision-Making:

  • Participants gain essential knowledge and skills in developing and evaluating business cases, enabling them to make informed decisions about project investments and resource allocations.

Enhanced Project Justification:

  • By understanding the principles and practices of better business cases, participants can develop more robust and compelling business cases that effectively justify project investments and align with organizational objectives.

Cost Savings:

  • Effective business case development can help organizations avoid or mitigate the risks of investing in projects with uncertain or poor returns, potentially saving costs associated with project failures or underperformance.

Increased Stakeholder Confidence:

  • Stakeholders are more likely to support projects that are supported by well-developed business cases, as they provide transparency and assurance about the expected benefits, costs, and risks of the project.

Risk Management:

  • Better Business Cases™ incorporates risk management principles and practices, enabling organizations to identify, assess, and manage risks associated with project investments, reducing the likelihood of unexpected issues or failures.

Alignment with Organizational Objectives:

  • Business cases developed using Better Business Cases™ principles are more likely to align with organizational objectives and strategic priorities, ensuring that projects contribute to the achievement of organizational goals and benefits realization.

Standardized Approach:

  • Better Business Cases™ provides a standardized approach to business case development, ensuring consistency and quality across projects and enabling organizations to compare and prioritize investment opportunities effectively.

Professional Development:

  • Completion of the Better Business Cases™ Foundation course provides participants with a recognized certification, enhancing their credentials and career prospects in project management and business analysis roles.

Overall, the Better Business Cases™ Foundation course equips individuals and organizations with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to develop and evaluate business cases effectively, drive informed decision-making, and achieve successful project outcomes.


Benefits Obtained :