Children’s Story Writing Diploma

About this course

Children’s Story Writing Diploma

Have you always wanted to allow your creativity to flow and become a successful children’s story writer? This is your chance to learn all you need to know to write your own children’s book, come up with your own characters and discover your passion for writing.

Introduction to Children’s Story Writing Diploma

The Children’s Story Writing Diploma covers a range of topics, helping you develop your characters, the plot and write a great story that you can publish for children around the world. This course covers a range of topics in thirteen modules which takes between fifteen to twenty hours to complete.

You will learn how to develop your characters and plot. You will get the guidance, skills and support you need to become a children’s story writer with online modules that you can study from anywhere at any time on any device.

This course will help to allow your creativity to flow and become a successful writer, with no previous experience necessary. The information packed modules have been carefully constructed to give you everything you need to write a children’s story with complete confidence.

What you will learn

What You Will Learn

The course comprises of thirteen information packed modules and a multiple choice test. The course includes:

  • Introduction – the introductory module includes what writing a book for children entails and what it is about children’s story writing that appeals to you.
  • What you will need to write literature for children – this value packed module will identify the tools and personal skills you will need to write a successful story.
  • Examples of what other children’s writers do well – in this module you will learn what some of the best children’s writers do well and how to use existing children’s books to write your own.
  • How to choose an age group’s point of view – you will learn how to choose an age group and the importance of writing for a particular age group. You will also learn a number of points of view you can make use of when writing your book.
  • Getting started from the first page and creating the perfect setting – this module will teach you what you can do to make your first page stand out and the importance of the first line and page of your children’s book.
  • Learn how to build a good character for your book – learn how to get good characters and why your characters are so important. You will also learn how to differentiate your characters based on the age group you are targeting.
  • Plot planning – learn how to create a plot, identify with other plot structures and learn ways to develop your plot structure.
  • Using a backstory – What is a backstory? How to ensure your backstory isn’t boring? Why you need a backstory when writing children’s literature.
  • Writing dialogue that makes your story flow – this module will teach you how to use dialogue and why it is so important, along with how to make your dialogue realistic and engaging.
  • Useful advice to improve confidence and purpose – identify common problems you will face, tips to achieve your writing goals and effective tools to overcome writer’s block.
  • Practical writing exercises – identify why writing exercises are so important and how writing a blog may enhance your writing.
  • Working with illustrators – know the power of illustration, how to submit a picture book for publication and how to choose and work with an illustrator.
  • Working with publishers and selling your story – know the difference between traditional publishing and self-publishing, the process you will have to go through in getting your children’s book published and whether you are going to need a literary agent.

Benefits of this course

Benefits of the Children’s Story Writing Diploma

This diploma will provide you with a host of benefits once you have completed the course successfully, including being able to download and print your certificate on successful passing of the multiple choice test.

The benefits of taking this course include:

  • The course will help you to become a creative thinker when working on your own project.
  • You will learn how to organise your ideas in order to write clearly.
  • Your self-confidence will improve when you see your work on paper.
  • You will discover your passion for writing.
  • You will get to step outside your comfort zone to achieve writing success.


Benefits Obtained :