COSHH Awareness Certification

About this course

COSHH Certification

Understanding the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations are vital for both employers and employees for safety as well as legal reasons

This Course provides a comprehensive insight into COSHH, what employers and employees need to know, and what they need to do to tick the legal boxes.

From defining hazardous substances to performing risk assessments, and understanding the precautions and contingency planning involved, this course covers every aspect employees and employers need to be aware of.

What you will learn

You Will Learn

  • How to perform a risk assessment
  • The consequences of failing to adhere to COSHH Regulations
  • The benefits of adherence to employers and employees
  • All about the precautions to take to minimize health risks
  • About how to deal with monitoring and handling exposure

Benefits of this course

Benefits Of Taking This Course

  • You will be able to identify categories of hazardous substances and apply this knowledge in your particular field
  • You will be able to contribute valuable information to your company’s risk assessment strategy
  • You will understand the legalities surrounding adherence to COSHH Regulations and make suggestions as an employer or employee
  • You will understand the precautions that need to be taken and apply them in your company environment
  • You will learn potentially life-saving emergency planning strategies


Benefits Obtained :