Gaining Customer Testimonials Certification

About this course

Gaining Customer Testimonials Certification

Customer testimonials are an effective way in which to inspire trust in prospective clients, overcome doubts that they may have regarding your product or service and improve your company’s reputation.

However, obtaining strong testimonials requires good timing, a basic understanding of consumer psychology and an understanding of how a testimonial should be structured.

This course will teach you how to get clear, persuasive testimonials from satisfied customers.

What you will learn

You will Learn:

  • Why customer testimonials should play a key role in your marketing and advertising strategy and the components of a strong testimonial
  • When to ask a satisfied customer for a testimonial
  • How to use structured e-mails, surveys and feedback forms in order to help you compile a great testimonial
  • How to solicit feedback without breaking the law or misrepresenting your product

Benefits of this course

Benefits of taking this Course:

  • Business owners from all industry sectors will benefit from learning how to get testimonials that will help drive future sales
  • If your job entails putting together marketing material, this course will teach you how to add testimonials that will entice potential customers
  • If you work in after-sales or customer support, this course will help you request and obtain useful feedback from customers that will not only form the basis for testimonials, but will also help improve your company’s products
  • If you are a business owner, this course will help you understand and comply with your duties under the law with regards to the use of testimonials


Benefits Obtained :