Improve Your Assertiveness Certification

About this course

Improve Your Assertiveness Certification

There are four primary communication styles used in most conversations. Out of these four, only one is ideal: assertiveness. Developing your assertiveness is the key to having your wants and needs met, without putting the obligation on others to figure them out or being rude or overly-aggressive about them.

As a result, people who have these skills tend to be happier and deal with less anxiety throughout their daily lives. While learning how to improve your assertiveness is not easy, it can be done.

This course goes into detail about the strategies and techniques you can employ to improve your assertive communication skills.

We begin by introducing you to the various communication styles, providing you with information on why assertiveness comes with the most benefits.

Next, we review a few simple steps that you can take in order to introduce assertiveness into your daily conversations. Practising these skills can be daunting, which is why we break it down into a series of simple tasks that you can employ easily and confidently.

Finally, we review a series of assertive communication techniques.

What you will learn

You Will Learn:

  • The difference between the passive, aggressive, assertive and passive-aggressive styles of communication
  • The reasons why being assertive is important, both at work and in your personal life
  • How to prioritise your own wants and needs in a conversation
  • The importance of turning people and projects down when you do not have the necessary time
  • Strategies you can use to become more assertive with ease

Benefits of this course

Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • Experiencing less stress and anxiety having your wants and needs met
  • Learning how to slowly introduce assertiveness into your communication style
  • Understanding how being assertive differs from other communication styles
  • Learning how to use ‘I’ statements in a way that benefits all parties involved in a conversation
  • Understanding what to do if you are uncertain about how to respond immediately


Benefits Obtained :