Sales Tools and Technology Certification

About this course

Sales Tools and Technology Certification

Modern salespeople use many different tools and types of technology to persuade a prospect to buy a product or service. These tools can streamline the sales process and help you keep track of important information.

However, sales tools should be carefully selected and used with caution.

Ultimately, they are no substitute for traditional sales skills such as making a pitch, understanding a customer’s needs and building rapport. This course will teach you how to choose the right tools for your circumstances and use them in a constructive way that boosts your productivity.

What you will learn

You Will Learn:

  • The four questions you should ask yourself if you are thinking about using a new sales tool or piece of technology
  • How to use social media as a sales tool
  • How to use other applications and websites as sales tools
  • How to ensure that you only choose tools and technology that will make your life as a salesperson easier
  • Why you must take care not to become reliant on sales tools

Benefits of this course

Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • If you are a salesperson, this course will help you make informed choices when deciding whether to use sales tools or a new piece of technology
  • If you manage a sales team, this course will help you guide your team members when choosing tools to help them make sales
  • If you are responsible for marketing in a small business, or work as a sole trader, this course will introduce you to popular tools that can help you reach out to prospects
  • If you are responsible for training others in how to use technology at work, this course will provide you with a useful insight into the digital tools most often used by today’s sales people


Benefits Obtained :