Strategy Execution

TMO & Strategy Execution

The TMO acts as a bridge between the strategic objectives of the organization and the operational teams responsible for executing those objectives. It provides governance, guidance, and coordination to ensure alignment between strategy, technology investments, and execution efforts.


This includes allocating resources, setting up organizational structures, defining responsibilities, establishing performance metrics, and creating a supportive culture. Clear communication and involvement of stakeholders are essential during this phase.

Performance Monitoring

To ensure the effectiveness of the implemented strategies, continuous monitoring and measurement of performance against the defined goals are necessary. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are established to assess progress and make informed decisions. This step often involves regular reviews and reporting to management and stakeholders.

Strategy Review

As the external environment changes, the organization needs to review and adapt its strategies accordingly. This involves regularly reassessing the internal and external factors, evaluating the effectiveness of implemented strategies, identifying new opportunities or challenges, and making necessary adjustments to keep the organization on track towards its goals.

Embed in Business As Usual

The newly implemented strategy regimen seamlessly assimilates into the very fabric of the organizational DNA

Transformation Management Office Activities


Change Management

The TMO helps organizations manage the human aspects of change. This involves identifying potential impacts of transformation initiatives, developing communication strategies, and facilitating training programs to ensure a smooth transition


Stakeholder Management

The TMO works on engaging stakeholders effectively to keep them informed about transformation initiatives and to ensure their support and alignment.


Establish Governance Structure

The TMO plays a crucial role in implementing governance structures to ensure accountability, transparency, and effective decision-making throughout the transformation process.


Risk Management

The TMO identifies potential risks associated with the transformation process and implements mitigation strategies to prevent or manage these risks.

what makes us different

The values we live by

Creativity & innovation


Result Based approach


How can IBIS Consultancy help you deliver your strategy?

Our organization offers the option to create an internal TMO within your company or to subscribe to our TMO services for a monthly fee. Our team of professionals is equipped to assist with assurance reviews, document lessons learned, and provide software solutions to ensure smooth operations.

Assurance reviews

As an independent and professional agent, we are committed to supporting your organization in collecting data related to strategy implementation progress, efficiency, and effectiveness. Our services encompass a comprehensive range of benefits, quality assessments, risk evaluations, issue identification, and post-project reviews, all geared towards delivering critical and timely information to decision makers.

We understand the importance of providing accurate information to help guide your organizational initiatives, and we pledge to provide thorough and actionable insights to support strategic decision-making.

Knowledge Management System

We will implement an effective knowledge management system to enhance the execution of your strategy as well as prevent possible errors from occurring. Our plan entails diligent data gathering on various areas of concern such as delays, budget constraints, lack of engagement, inadequate conduct, miscommunications, and missteps. Furthermore, we will create a stakeholder profiling mechanism which will enable us to effectively manage and track progress during the transformation process.

The framework, methodology, policies, and tools utilized in executing your strategy will be carefully updated to ensure maximum efficiency.

KPI Management System

Our team will provide valuable assistance in selecting a suitable software application to facilitate a successful transformation process. Our expertise includes identifying a dashboard management system tailored to your specific performance management requirements.

In partnership with reputable service providers such as Amplify and Wovex applications, our support extends beyond selection to include training and implementation.

Framework, Methodology, rules and policies

Our team specializes in providing tailored implementation frameworks to address your organizational transformation needs. Our focus is to guide the decision-making process, establish clear communication channels, and define the appropriate power structure within your organization.

Our methodology translates these frameworks into actionable steps, providing guidance for methods, activities and processes that will achieve successful delivery of your strategy.

Additionally, we work collaboratively with your organization to ensure the development of policies, rules, and standard operating procedures that promote harmony and ensure successful transformation.

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