Empowering Employers

Upskilling, Talent, and Acquiring Talent

Hire An Apprentice

Apprenticeships allow individuals to gain practical skills and knowledge while working in real jobs, setting a strong foundation for their careers.

Prior to hiring an apprentice consider:


Determine how it fits within your overall HR strategy and which Apprenticeship Level is best suited for your organisation. Apprenticeship levels range from Level 2 to 7.


An apprenticeship lasts for a minimum duration of 372 days and can last up to 6 years, this usually depends on the Apprenticeship level the Apprentice is taking.


An apprenticeship is a real job with a contract of employment. The Government offers certain incentive payments for hiring an apprentice dependent on factors such as age of the apprentice and size of the company.


As an employer, you will have to support your apprentice via mentoring and providing hands-on experience. You will work with the Training provider to contribute to the Training plan and reviews.

Why prioritise training?

Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We’re here to help!
What to do if I'm unsure what Apprenticeship is suitable for my business?
If you’re unsure about which apprenticeship is suitable for your organisation, we will carry out a needs analysis to help you decide. Please schedule a call with us.
Apprenticeships are government funded hence involve a lot of compliance, which we handle efficiently. We support you in recruiting apprentices, including advertising, shortlisting, and assessments. We have timelines to support the process.

Your apprentice will receive training and assessment which will form part of the 20% off the job.

All OTJ activities will be tracked and monitored on our system on a weekly basis. Off-the-job training is a statutory requirement that all apprentices must spend 20% or 6 hours per week of their learning time developing their skills through off-the-job training. 20% of training is off-the-job, but the apprentice is also doing 80% training on-the-job and there must be coherence between the two to reinforce and embed learning.

All managers are onboarded and inducted so they understand how to support their apprentice.

As an employer you are responsible for paying the Apprentices wages. However in addition to that the amount payable would be dependent on the size of your organisation.

Non-Levy employer: A Non Levy employer that doesn’t pay the apprenticeship levy, you pay just 5% towards the cost of training and assessing an apprentice.

The government will pay the rest up to the funding band maximum. You’ll pay the training provider directly and agree on a payment schedule. If you exceed the funding band maximum, you will need to pay all the additional costs.

Levy Employer: An employer with a pay bill of more than £3 million, you’re required to pay the apprenticeship levy. You can manage funds using the apprenticeship service and spend it on training and assessing your apprentices from your levy pot.

Depends on the Employer, and the agreement we have in place with them around a number of areas such as recruitment, selection, etc.

Apprentices can also be existing staff who want to be upskilled or reskilled. We offer 3-4 start dates a year depending on demand.

Hire Our Talent

IBIS Consultancy provides you access to a diverse pool of talent or accessibility specialists our talent pool consists of individuals who are ready to contribute their expertise to your organization. This allows you to focus your time and energy on interviewing the most suitable candidates, ultimately accelerating your hiring timeline.



Graduates possess the necessary skills, and experience to hit the ground running and tackle the challenges of the modern landscape. We will carry out Right to work checks and ensure all the candidates we put forward meet the relevant right to work criteria.

Zero Cost

Tapping into our pre-vetted talent pool, you can save money. Traditional hiring processes can incur substantial costs due to advertising job openings and engaging recruitment agencies.

Immediate Start

Standard recruitment can take a company up to 3 months to fill a vacancy which can lead to lost productivity and revenue. With our talent pool, you can save time as our graduates are available to start immediately.

Diverse Candidates

We support a diverse range of candidates as one of our key objectives is to bridge the Diversity gap.

Why prioritise training?

Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We’re here to help!
Do I have to pay for the service?
No the service is free to use, you can interview as many candidates as you like for the roles you are offering.
You can offer Entry level and Mid-level roles, you can also offer Apprenticeship roles to our graduates.
Contact us to book a meeting, We can discuss your requirements, Once we have agreed the requirements. We ask you for a JD, we then advertise the role and arrange the interviews.
We do not offer the service at the moment; however, we would help you throughout the process and signpost you to something we are able to help with.
Yes, we would help with the entire process of setting up interviews based on your requirements and availability.
We carry out Right to work checks and send you applicants who are eligible to work in the UK.

Train your Talent

Skills Bootcamps and Bootcamps are flexible programmes of up to 16 weeks, giving people the opportunity to build up sector-specific skills and fast-track to an interview with a local employer.


Bootcamps are part-time programmes lasting between 11 – 16 weeks, and are available to employers and learners who don’t recide in the eligible areas for a Skills Bootcamp.

Skills Bootcamps

Skills Bootcamps are part of the government’s lifetime skills guarantee. They are part-time programmes lasting between 11 – 16 weeks with a minimum of 70% and maximum of 90% available funding for employers referring employees in eligible areas.

Bespoke Training Solutions

We offer you the opportunity to design unique training solutions tailored to your specific business needs. Get in touch to learn more about how we can support your needs.

Short Courses

We offer you the opportunity to undertake some of our programme modules as standalone short programmes. These programmes are specific modules, or skills individuals may wish to learn lasting between half a day to one day.

Why prioritise training?

Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We’re here to help!
What is the cost of a Skills Bootcamp?

Under the ‘Plan for Jobs’ scheme, residents of certain regions in the UK e.g. East Midlands , Newcastle , South Yorkshire can attend Skills Bootcamps with 70% of the costs funded by the Government. The government published ‘Skills for Jobs’ which outlines the need to give employers a greater say in the development of skills in current employees and to be able to create a pipeline of talent for new positions or apprenticeships.

The contribution of an SME employer, for their employees to develop the skills in any of the pathways, would be approximately £699 plus VAT per person . The contribution could cover the cost of Vendor exams (optional). The contribution for Large companies would be approximately £999 plus VAT per person.

Individuals can progress onto an Apprenticeship or a role that requires higher skills. Employees can also progress onto Higher level programmes such as a bachelor’s degree. It’s a great way to develop your internal Teams
We can support you to identify if your Team needs training via a Training needs analysis. We would work with your HR or senior stakeholder to understand your needs.
Yes, the training can be part of staff development plans and form part of professional development.

You will need to supply the following during the different stages of Training.

  1. Service level agreement with IBIS Consultancy before the training commences.
  2. Confirmation that you are co-funding your employee and what you are hoping for them to achieve.
  3. Once the program is complete, we will need evidence that the employee is using the new learnt skills in their Job role along with any evidence of Job progression such as an updated Job description.

We have worked with over 30 employers in various sectors since 2021. We have a review score of over 4.5/5 and employers would recommend us to others.

Using the Government funded route is a great way to offer training to your internal teams and keep them engaged.

We work with you to understand your needs and provide solutions to some of the problems in a cost effective way.

The programme is delivered online via a Virtual trainer led model with support sessions. Delivery takes place in the evenings; however, we can run a daytime close cohort for employers based on their requirements.
The programme will run from between 11 to 16 weeks (evening times) however if employers want us to run a close cohort, the duration can be truncated to as little as 10 working days dependent on the programme.
Yes we can however we would need a minimum of 7 learners in order to customise to suit your needs.
This depends on your own internal policy as an organisation. However if you have drawn up a Training agreement with the employee you maybe able to claw some of the money back however this is very much an internal policy and process. We can provide you with some guidance if needed.
Yes you can but we would need 5 working days notice via email.
Yes you can however depending on when you cancel you may have to pay cancellation charges. Please find out more about this through our refund policy.

Have a question?

If you’d like to learn more about our Bootcamps and Apprenticeships, a potential partnership or you have any other questions, please contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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Official Information

IBIS Consultancy is a Limited Liability Company incorporated in the UK in 2016 with Registration No. 10367575. It is VAT registered under No. 441 4420 31 and holds a UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN) of 10093689. IBIS is a Premier Accredited Trainer Provider by the Project Management Institute (PMI) with Provider No. 5897 and is a member of the CPD with Membership No. 19054. Additionally, it is an OTHM Registered Service Provider under No. DC2312832 and holds an ISO 9001 Accreditation Certificate No. 9891475

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